- Hits: 4622
1st Meeting Programme
February 06th – 08th 2015
A.M.E.F.E/Malaga-SPAIN (Asociacion Malaguena de Educcion Y Formacion Europea)
ASPECT/Plovdiv-BULGARIA (Management and Intercultural Relations)
EDU Centrum o.s./Dobrichovice CZECH REPUPLIC (EDU Centrum o.s.)
Marie e.V./Berlin-GERMANY (Frauenzentrum Marie e.V.)
TOYEV/Ankara-TURKEY (Turkey Formal And Non-Formal Education Foundation)
If you have any problems, please contact us at the following phone number:
+90 (312) 230 39 12
06.02.2015 Friday
Arrival in Ankara– Transportion to the hotels and check-in the hotels
07.02.2015 Saturday
9.00-Meeting in the Hotel lobby
9.15-Going to the Meeting Hall
9.30-Arrival at the office
9.45-Starting the kick-off meeting
-Powerpoint Presentations of the Partners to Introduce themselves
10.30-Coffee Break
10.45-Introducing the Project “The effects of Common Values on European Peace ” within the General Framework
-Current Situation of the Project
-Revising the Tasks that will be done by the Partners
-The Evaluation of the Mobilities
-Introducing the work that has been done so far regarding the Website
-Evaluation and the suggestions of the Participants on the Website
-Suggestions of the Participants
12.15-Lunch Time
14.00-Back to the office
14.15-Things that will be done till the Second Meeting and the Basic Principles to follow during the Project Application Process
a. The Road Map to follow during the Current Situation Analysis (questionnaires, tests etc.)
b. The Road Map to follow while gathering the Verses of Common Values
c. Basic Principles to follow during the Project Application Process
15.30-Coffee Break
15.45-Evaluating the Next Meeting and the Work Plan
16.30-Wishes and Requests
16.45-Coffee Break
17.00-Writing the Decisions taken during the Meetings as a Report and Preparing the Certificates for the Participants
17.30-Ending the Meeting
08.02.2015 Sunday