Ms. Rabbi BERLIN





1st Meeting Programme


February 06th – 08th 2015








A.M.E.F.E/Malaga-SPAIN  (Asociacion Malaguena de Educcion Y Formacion Europea)


ASPECT/Plovdiv-BULGARIA  (Management and Intercultural Relations)


EDU Centrum o.s./Dobrichovice  CZECH REPUPLIC (EDU Centrum o.s.)


Marie e.V./Berlin-GERMANY   (Frauenzentrum Marie e.V.)






TOYEV/Ankara-TURKEY   (Turkey Formal And Non-Formal Education Foundation)





If you have any problems, please contact us at the following phone number:

+90 (312) 230 39 12






06.02.2015 Friday  


Arrival in Ankara– Transportion to the hotels and check-in the hotels


07.02.2015 Saturday


9.00-Meeting in the Hotel lobby


9.15-Going to the Meeting Hall


9.30-Arrival at the office


9.45-Starting the kick-off meeting


       -Powerpoint Presentations of the Partners to Introduce themselves


10.30-Coffee Break


10.45-Introducing the Project “The effects of Common Values on European Peace ” within the General Framework


-Current Situation of the Project


-Revising the Tasks that will be done by the Partners  


-The Evaluation of the Mobilities


-Introducing the work that has been done so far regarding the Website


-Evaluation and the suggestions of the Participants on the Website


-Suggestions of the Participants


12.15-Lunch Time


14.00-Back to the office


14.15-Things that will be done till the Second Meeting and the Basic Principles to follow during the Project Application Process


a.       The Road Map to follow during the Current Situation Analysis (questionnaires, tests etc.)

b.       The Road Map to follow while gathering the Verses of Common Values

c.       Basic Principles to follow during the Project Application Process


15.30-Coffee Break


15.45-Evaluating the Next Meeting and the Work Plan


16.30-Wishes and Requests


16.45-Coffee Break


17.00-Writing the Decisions taken during the Meetings as a Report and Preparing the Certificates for the Participants


17.30-Ending the Meeting




08.02.2015 Sunday






The Project sits upon two goals. These are:
Common goal:
The common values/point of Islam, Christianity, and Judaism will be examined in order for preventing racism, xenophobia, and violence; besides, substantial assistance of those merits to accommodating peace of humanity, intercommunity culture and orientation process of the European Union.
Special purpose:
To print pamphlet copy, arrange a website, hold biblio-therapy sessions, organize symposia and conferences, give in-service trainings, prepare books, exercise cultural tours so as to thwart racism and violence.




1st Meeting Minutes


February 06th – 08th 2015




In the frame of Strategic Partnerships for adult education, the first meeting of the Project called “THE EFFECTS OF THE COMMON VALUES/MERITS ON THE ESTABLISHMENT OF SUSTAINABLE COMMON PEACE IN EUROPE IN TERMS OF PREVENTING RACISM AND DISCRIMINATION” was done on the dates of 06-08 February 2015 in Ankara with the participation of all partners.


1. On the 6th of February, The first day of the meeting was the guests’ arrivals and checking in their hotels.


2. The Project partners were represented by the participants whose names and the institutions are written as in the following.




A.M.E.F.E/Malaga-SPAIN (Asociacion Malaguena de Educcion Y Formacion Europea)


Pedro Jose Leiva Padilla, Pedro Luis Garcia Leyva


ASPECT/Plovdiv-BULGARIA (Management and Intercultural Relations)




EDU Centrum o.s./Dobrichovice CZECH REPUPLIC (EDU Centrum o.s.)


Zdenka Havklikova, Lukas Nevrkla


Marie e.V./Berlin-GERMANY   (Frauenzentrum Marie e.V.)


Dr.Viola Godemann, Firaja Linde






TOYEV/Ankara-TURKEY   (Turkey Formal and Non-Formal Education


Ahmet GÜL, Süleyman ASLAN


3. The partners did the presentations to introduce their institutions to the participants and shared their experiences with the other partners as written in the agenda.


4. During the meeting, the current situation of the Project, roles of the partners and mobility were discussed. It has been decided to follow the steps as in the pre-planned work-plan.


5. It has been decided that an online forum site should be created in order for all partners to be able communicate online besides the Web site (CoReWax).


6. It has been decided that the Current Situation Analyses will be done until the second meeting (which is being planned to do in Berlin/Germany either at the end of April or at the beginning of May), and the partners will use a standard questionnaire for the Current Situation Analysis in their own countries.


7. The basic principles for the Current Situation Analyses and revealing the verses on Racism and Xenophobia in Koran, Torah, and Bible will be as in the following:


          a) Ideological approaches will be avoided,


          b) All studies which will be done for the Project will be scientific,


          c) All studies will be done by the expert people in their fields, 


8. For the date for the second meeting which will be done in Berlin will be decided by using “doodle”.


9. At the end of the meeting in Ankara, all partners went out for lunch, and then a tour to the city center and Kocatepe Mosque was organized.


10. On the 8th of February, the third day of the meeting was the guests’ checking out the hotels and departures.



Ahmet GÜL



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