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THE EFFECT OF THE COMMON VALUES 3rd Meeting Minutes January 15th–17th 2016 Malaga/SPAIN


3rd Meeting Minutes

15-17 January 2016



In the frame of Strategic Partnerships for adult education, the second meeting of the Project called “THE EFFECTS OF THE COMMON VALUES/MERITS ON THE ESTABLISHMENT OF SUSTAINABLE COMMON PEACE IN EUROPE IN TERMS OF PREVENTING RACISM AND DISCRIMINATIONwas done on the dates of 15-17 January 2016 in Malaga with the participation of all partners.


1. On the 15th of January, the first day of the meeting was the guests’ arrivals and checking in their hotels.

2. The Project partners were represented by the participants whose names and the institutions are written as in the following.



A.M.E.F.E/Malaga-SPAIN (Asociacion Malaguena de Educcion Y Formacion Europea)

Pedro Jose Leiva Padilla, Lourdes Valenzuela, Jesus Medina, Papa Mouhammad ÇSS.

ASPECT/Plovdiv-BULGARIA (Management and Intercultural Relations)

Krasimira Bakardzhieva, Yanko Bidov

EDU Centrum o.s./Dobrichovice CZECH REPUPLIC (EDU Centrum o.s.)

Hana Erlebachova, Zdenka Havrlikova, Virina Mrkvıckova

Marie e.V./Berlin-GERMANY (Frauenzentrum Marie e.V.)

Sophia Bickhardt, Firaya Linde. Heidrun Schmidtke



TOYEV/Ankara-TURKEY (Turkey Formal and Non-Formal Education)

Ahmet Gül, Süleyman Aslan, Prof. Dr. Osman Aydınlı, M. Kürşat Ordu


3. During the meeting, a brief introduction about A.M.E.F.E. and Malaga was made before moving on to the presentations prepared by the Partners concerning Verses and Common Values on Racism and Xenophobia in accordance with the Agenda. After this, views about the presentations were voiced.


4. In the context of the work to be carried out until the third meeting:

a) Seminars and Conferences concerning the Project were discussed. It was decided that the first Seminars and Conferences of the Project should be held on June 30th, 2016 at the latest.

b) Poem, article and sermon contests were discussed. It was held that these contests should be carried out until June 30th, 2016 as envisaged in the Project, and the competition criteria should be determined based on each country's conditions taking into consideration the Project's significance. It was noted that the sermon contest will be held only in Turkey.




c) It was resolved that the International Symposium on the Effect of Common Values on European Peace should be held in Ankara, Turkey, in the first half of 2017 as planned in the Project. It was noted that the work and transactions of the symposium will be conducted by the Coordinator.


5. In the context of general briefing about the Project:

the Coordinator reminded the Partners about the following:

a) Each partner has four mobilities concerning the disadvantaged groups and each of these mobilities should be used for the disadvantaged groups accepted by each country's National Agency;

b) All spending from the Project's budget should be against documents and in compliance with the ECAS rules, and the documents should be kept for audits by the national agencies and other institutions;

c) Given the fact that the Interim Report will be submitted on April 20th, 2016, the second 40-percent slice of the budget will be released after this date, and the second 40-percent slice will be released wholly if at least 70% of the first 40-percent slice has been spent, and if less than 70% of the first slice has been spent, the second slice will be reduced in the same amount.

In addition, the audit reports no. 1 and 2, prepared by the Audit Board, were recited for the Partners.


6. In the context of assessment:

The Partners agreed as follows:

a) The second brochure for the promotion of the Project should focus on Verses and Common Values;

b) The criteria regarding Verses and Common Values were discussed and identified. The merger of the verses and common values extracted should be performed and finalized until the third meeting;

c) A meeting may be made in Ankara if needed by the Partners depending on the progress of the work and upon approval by the Turkish National Agency;

d) The fourth meeting should be held in Plovdiv as indicated in the Project, but as the transfer of the second 40-percent slice of the budget will occur after the specified date, the date of the meeting should be agreed by the Partner after the transfer.


7. A lunch and Malaga city tour was organized by A.M.E.F.E.


8. On the 17th of January, the third day of the meeting was the guests’ checking out the hotels and departures.



Süleyman ASLAN






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